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MERN Stands for: M- MongoDB E- Express R- React N- Node.js. It is designed to make the development process smoother and easier. Each of these 4 powerful technologies provides an end-to-end framework for the developers to work in and each of these technologies play a big part in the development of web applications.

Course Overview

You will learn to build MERN full stack web application. Setting up MERN stack development environmnets. Creating React Project. Creating React Components. Modifying a Component. Create a MongoDB Database, Schemas, Models. Create node and express backend API server.

1. Module-1: Introduction to MERN Stack

    Chapter-1: MERN Stack - Introduction

    Chapter-2: JSON - Introduction

    Chapter-3: JSON Syntax

2. Module-2: Installing Node

    Chapter-1: Node - Introduction

    Chapter-2: NPM - Introduction and Updating

    Chapter-3: Basic npm Commands

    Chapter-4: Install VS Code

3. Module-3: Installing MongDB

    Chapter-1: MongoDB - Introduction

    Chapter-2: MongoDB - Download and Install

    Chapter-3: Modifying Environmnet Variables

    Chapter-4: Create Storage Directory

    Chapter-5: Starting and Stopping MongoDB Server

    Chapter-6: MongoDB DataTypes

4. Module-4: MongoDB CRUD Operations

    Chapter-1: Creating a Database

    Chapter-2: Dropping a Database

    Chapter-3: Inserting and Querying Documents

    Chapter-3: Updating Documents

    Chapter-3: Deleting Documents

5. Module-5: React Basics Refresh

    Chapter-1: React Components and Communication

    Chapter-2: React Models

    Chapter-3: React Routing

    Chapter-4: React Services

6. Module-6: Building Server Side API

    Chapter-1: Initialising Project Directories

    Chapter-2: Connecting to MongoDB

    Chapter-3: Creating MongoDB Schema

    Chapter-4: Creating MongoDB Models

    Chapter-5: Route and Schema Interaction

7. Module-7: Building Front-End with React

    Chapter-1: Creating new React Project

    Chapter-2: Serving React Application

    Chapter-3: Project Directories

    Chapter-4: Routes and Displaying Items

    Chapter-5: Installing Bootstrap

Why MERN Stack

MERN- A Great Choice

MERN stack is ideal when you want faster development in small applications. The advantages of MERN Stack are, UI rendering and performance; Cost-Effective; Open Source; Easy to switch between client and server. It facilitates the MVC (Model View Controller) architecture that makes the web development process work smoothly.The framework comes with a pre-built extensive suite of testing tools.

Key Takeaways

JavaScript framework facilitates enterprises to deliver high-quality performance and scalability to their clientele. The robust technologies empower new-aged developers to develop websites with a seamless experience that give users a sense of fulfilment. The frameworks and technologies help developers to build a robust digital product with unique features. It diminishes the necessity for context change.

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