MEAN is a free and open-source JavaScript software stack for building dynamic web sites and web applications.
MEAN Stands for: M- MongoDB E- Express A- Angular N- Node.js.It leads to faster development as well as the deployment of the Web Application. Angular is Frontend Development Framework whereas Node.js, Express, and MongoDB are used for Backend development as shown in the below figure. Because all components of the MEAN stack support programs that are written in JavaScript, MEAN applications can be written in one language for both server-side and client-side execution environments. The components of the MEAN stack are higher-level including a web application presentation layer and not including an operating system layer.
Course Overview
You will learn to build MEAN full stack web application. Setting up MEAN stack development environmnets. Creating Angular Project. Creating Angular Component. Modifying a Component. Create a MongoDB Database, Schemas, Models. Create node and express backend API server.
1. Module-1: Introduction to MEAN Stack
Chapter-1: MEAN Stack - Introduction
Chapter-2: JSON - Introduction
Chapter-3: JSON Syntax
2. Module-2: Installing Node
Chapter-1: Node - Introduction
Chapter-2: NPM - Introduction and Updating
Chapter-3: Basic npm Commands
Chapter-4: Install VS Code
3. Module-3: Installing MongDB
Chapter-1: MongoDB - Introduction
Chapter-2: MongoDB - Download and Install
Chapter-3: Modifying Environmnet Variables
Chapter-4: Create Storage Directory
Chapter-5: Starting and Stopping MongoDB Server
Chapter-6: MongoDB DataTypes
4. Module-4: MongoDB CRUD Operations
Chapter-1: Creating a Database
Chapter-2: Dropping a Database
Chapter-3: Inserting and Querying Documents
Chapter-3: Updating Documents
Chapter-3: Deleting Documents
5. Module-5: Angular Basics Refresh
Chapter-1: Angular Components and Communication
Chapter-2: Angular Modules
Chapter-3: Angular Routing
Chapter-4: Angular Services
6. Module-6: Building Server Side API
Chapter-1: Initialising Project Directories
Chapter-2: Connecting to MongoDB
Chapter-3: Creating MongoDB Schema
Chapter-4: Creating MongoDB Models
Chapter-5: Route and Schema Interaction
7. Module-7: Building Front-End with Angular
Chapter-1: Creating new Angular Project
Chapter-2: Serving Angular Application
Chapter-3: Project Directories
Chapter-4: Routes and Displaying Items
Chapter-5: Installing Bootstrap
Chapter-6: Adding Angular Materials
Why MEAN Stack
MEAN- A Great Choice
Javascript, a single language is being used for both Front-End and Back-Ends of the application. Iit makes data communication between server and client simpler and faster. It makes modifications to either end easier. It also promotes reusing code across the multiple technologies that in turn helps keep the application secure and stable. Compatibility, Agility and Better Quality of Apps. MEAN Stack supports MVC Architecture.
Advanatges- MEAN Stack
All the JavaScript libraries are combined together, it saves a lot of time for the developers. MongoDB does not require any predefined regulation to establish field relations unlike MySQL database that cannot operate without predefined database schemas and rules. MEAN stack is that one can control both the front end and back end activities because of JSON which is compatible with MongoDB database, Express and Node.js server and Angular.