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iOS Development using Swift provides the basic and advanced concepts of iOS Development. iOS App Development is designed for beginners and professionals.

It is a great way to get into iOS once learned a little Swift. It will teach you the fundamentals of iOS — the things you will use on almost any app you build. Its free and just requires a Mac with Xcode.

Course Overview

You will learn iOS ans Swift application development, setting up development environment and building packaged application that will be ready for deployment. You will go through a wide variety of its features that helps in the breakdown of its architecture to understand how the apps will work when built and deployed.

1. Module-1: Introduction to iOS, Installation and Setup

    Chapter-1: iOS - Introduction

    Chapter-2: Install XCode

    Chapter-3: Launch Basic iOS App

2. Module-2: Code with Swift

    Chapter-1: Variables and Operators

    Chapter-2: Strings and Numbers in Swift

    Chapter-3: Booleans & conditional logic in Swift

    Chapter-4: Constants & logical operators in Swift

    Chapter-5: Swift Loops

    Chapter-6: Object oriented programming in Swift

    Chapter-7: Inheritance and Polymorphism in Swift

3. Module-3: Protocols/Delegates

    Chapter-1: Intro to Protocols/Delegates- Numbers

    Chapter-2: Intro to Protocols/Delegates- Question Generator

    Chapter-3: Using the Delegate Method in Color Magic App

    Chapter-4: Using Mutating Functions in Types

4. Module-4: Autolayout/ Segues

    Chapter-1: Creating the welcome screen

    Chapter-2: Working with frames

    Chapter-3: Intro to auto layout, Stack views

    Chapter-4: Intro to segues

    Chapter-5: IBActions (handling events) & data models

    Chapter-6: Passing data between view controllers

    Chapter-7: Auto layout for iPhones

    Chapter-8: Input accessory views & IBDesignable

    Chapter-9: Custom text fields

5. Module-5: Tables and Data

    Chapter-1: Project creation & IBOutlets

    Chapter-2: Tableviews, delegate, and data source

    Chapter-3: Collection views (grid layouts)

    Chapter-4: Working with data models

    Chapter-5: Displaying data in collection view cells

Why iOS App Development

Significant Number of Users

With iOS, developers gain access to a significant number of users and on a limited number of devices. This combination lends itself very well to apps that are still in an early and beta testing state.

Reasons to Choose Angular

iOS is just a better testing ground overall. With fewer users (and the ability to lessen the number even more through an invite system) and fewer device configurations and differences to worry about, releasing an app to Apple’s ecosystem is just a more sensible move than on Android.

Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone with zero coding experience or an expert.
You can register online through our form and our team will guide you to enroll for course.
Hands on experience on live projects, course manuals, QnA sessions and many more
Yes, Course completion Certificate will be provided by Techbitz.