Angular framework is a Typescript based and open source web application framework led by Angular team at Google. Angular 2.0+ is a complete rewrite of its predecessor Angular.js.
Angular is a compenent-based development platform framework for building scalable web applications. It is built upon Typescript language, superscript of Javascript language. Applications developed on Angular framework can be integrated with a lot of Javascript packages and modules easily. Applications can be scalable from a single-developer projects to an enterprise level applications. The complete system of Angular consists of developers and maintainers of more than 1.7 million+ developers, creators, library authors and content creators. This makes application developers to help visit any kind of hickups and find the solutions from various experts.
Course Overview
You will learn Angular 7+ Web application development, setting up development environment and building packaged application that will be ready for deployment. You will go through a wide variety of its features that helps in the breakdown of its architecture to understand how the apps will work when built and deployed.
1. Module-1: Introduction to Angular, Installation and Setup
Chapter-1: Angular - Introduction
Chapter-2: Download, Install and Setup VS Code and required Plugins
Chapter-3: Basic Introduction to Typescript
Chapter-4: Launch Basic Angular App
2. Module-2: Angular Components
Chapter-1: Components and Modules
Chapter-2: Angular CLI commands for Components and Modules
Chapter-3: Component Nesting
Chapter-4: Angular Architecture
3. Module-3: Angular Data Binding
Chapter-1: Angular Inerpolation
Chapter-2: Property Binding
Chapter-3: Event Binding
Chapter-4: Angular @ViewChild
4. Module-4: Interaction Between Components
Chapter-1: Parent to Child Interaction
Chapter-2: Child to Parent Interaction
Chapter-3: Interactions between Different Components
5. Module-5: Angular Services and Dependency Injection
Chapter-1: Angular Services
Chapter-2: Creating a Service
Chapter-3: Undestanding Hierarchical Injector
Chapter-4: Component Injection using Services
6. Module-6: Changing Pages with Routing
Chapter-1: Setting up and Loading Routes
Chapter-2: Router Links, navigating Programatically
7. Module-7: Making HTTP Requests
Chapter-1: Angular Interaction with Backend
Chapter-2: Sending POST request
Chapter-3: GETting Data
Chapter-4: Transform Response Data RxJS
Chapter-5: Error Handling
Why Angular Web App Development
Trending Javascript Framework
Angular helps build interactive and dynamic single page applications (SPAs) through its compelling features that include templating, two-way binding, modularization, RESTful API handling, dependency injection, and AJAX handling. Angular’s CLI is easy to set up, use and comprises simple commands. Used to initialize, develop and maintain applications in Angular through the terminal. With a large number of engineers working on Angular CLI, updates are released for betterment.
Reasons to Choose Angular
Automatic synchronization with two-way data binding. Easy Bug identification and fixes. Code reusability and consistency. Declarative User Interface. Built-in form elements. Angular Material. Component based architecture. Module wise declarations. Cross platform migrations. Angular CLI commands. Auto updations to dependent configuration files.